Saturday, April 21


Are you hungry? Wanting some chicken wings? Looking for a recipe on something meaty to fill that void in your heart and stomach?

Well look no further... just kidding, go look around...

Still here eh.. fantastic... so whats this you ask?, another blog!...

Yes it is, and this one gives you ideas and recipes to make nice, light, and not so light divine meals, so go ahead and have a read, see if you like something, try making it, or if you too lazy for that, come over to Besant Nagar, Chennai, India and ill cook it for you.

This is basically my Menu in its entirety, not really a cookbook, but just the things I've made and things I plan to try. It's the what's what, the how's how and the whoa's! of my kitchen... so go ahead and see if there is anything here that interests you.


1 comment:

Sarita said...

I'll look forward to getting some inspiration! Dazzle me Santosh!